, Leonard de

Born (unknown date), priest, nominated Bishop of Macau 1578, emeritus?, died (?) 1597? [1]



Sacconi, Antonio Maria

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 23.03.1741 Osimo, member of O.F.M. 1758, priest, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Domitiopolis and Apostolic Vicar of Chansi-Chensi 07.10.1778, consecrated 24.02.1781 in Sianfu, consecrator Mons. Magni, died 05.02.1785 Peking (in prison) [2]



Sage, Vincent François Joseph

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 15.07.1879 Bourg-Argental (Lyon), priest 21.06.1903, member of M.E.P. 1908, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Cusae and Coadjutor of Manciuria Meridionale 20.07.1914, consecrated 07.03.1915 in Moukden, consecrator Mons. Choulet, died 20.09.1917 Moukden [3]



Saint-Martin, Jean Didier de

Born 18.01.1743 Paris, priest 04.04.1767, member of M.E.P. 1772, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Caradie and Coadjutor of Szechwan 13.07.1783, consecrated 13.06.1784 in Tchengtu, consecrator Mons. Pottier, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Szechwan 28.09.1792, died 15.11.1801 Tsong-kin-tchong [4]



Sála, Tomás

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 20.12.1776 Barcelona, member of O.P. 13.03.1792, priest, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Nilopolis and Coadjutor of Fokien 14.08.1818, consecrated 01.10.1820 in Ke-sen, consecrator Mons. Carpegna Diaz, died 01.10.1829 Ke-sen [5]



Salutti, Giovanni Damase

Born (unknown date), member of O.S.A., priest, nominated Bishop of Peking 20.07.1778, consecrated 02.04.1780 in Sitang, consecrator Mons. Burger, died 16.09.1781 Peking [6]



Salvetti, Gioacchino Domenico Antonio

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 29.01.1769 Bagno di Casciano (Firenze), member of O.F.M. 1787, priest 25.05.1793, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Euroea and Apostolic Vicar of Chansi-Chensi 21.02.1815, consecrated 17.02.1817 in Hai-tien, consecrator Mons. Pires Pereira, died 21.09.1843 Taiyuanfu [7]



Sánchez de las Heras, Esteban

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 03.08.1851 Tudela (Pamplona), member of O.P. 1868, priest 1878, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Zarai and Apostolic Vicar of Amoy 19.01.1895, consecrated 12.05.1895 in Foochow, consecrator Mons. Masót y Gómez, died 21.07.1896 Amoy [8]



Santo Galdino, Manuel

(Foto: Website Diocese of Macau)

Born 18.04.1769 Lisboa, member of O.F.M., priest 04.08.1793, nominated Bishop of Macau 20.12.1802 in Lisboa, consecrated 27.03.1803, nominated Coadjutor of Goa/India 20.08.1804, nominated Archbishop of Goa/India 10.02.1812, died 01.02.1839 [9]



Sanz, Pedro

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 02.09.1680 Asco (Tarragona), member of O.P. 1697, priest 20.09.1704, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Mauricastro and Coadjutor of Fokien 24.03.1728, consecrated 24.02.1730 in Macau, consecrator Mons. de Jesus-Maria-Joseph, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Fokien 03.01.1732, died 26.05.1747 (beheaded) Foochow, Beatification 14.05.1893, Canonisation 01.10.2000 [10]



Saraceni, Francesco

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 1679 Conca/Italia, member of O.F.M., priest, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Chansi-Chensi 05.07.1727, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Lorima 12.11.1728, consecrated 05.02.1730 in Szechwan ?, consecrator Mons. Müllener, died 01.12.1742 Sianfu [11]



Sarthou, Jean-Baptiste

(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 22.04.1840 Doazit (Aire), member of C.M. 1861, priest 27.05.1866, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Myriophytos and Apostolic Vicar of Ce-Li Meridio-Occidentale 27.03.1885, consecrated 26.04.1885 in Chengting, consecrator Mons. Tagliabue, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Ce-Li Settentrionale 06.06.1890, died 13. or 19.04.1899 Peking [12]



Satowaki, Joseph Asajiro

Born 01.02.1904 Shittsu (Nagasaki)/Japan, priest 17.12.1932, nominated Apostolic Administrator of Formosa 20.03.1941, emeritus 05.03.1948, nominated Bishop of Kagoshima/Japan 25.02.1955, consecrated 03.05.1955 in Nakamachi, consecrator Mons. de Furstenberg [13], nominated Archbishop of Nagasaki/Japan 19.12.1968, created cardinal priest of Santa Maria della Pace 30.06.1979, emeritus 08.02.1990, died 08.08.1996 Nagasaki [14]



Sauer, Bonifaz Joseph

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 10.01.1877 Oberufhausen (Fulda), member of O.S.B. 04.02.1903, priest 26.06.1903, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Appiaria and Apostolic Vicar of Wonsan/Corea 02.08.1920, consecrated 01.05.1921 in Seoul, consecrator Mons. Mutel [15], nominated Apostolic Administrator of Ilan 09.07.1928, emeritus Apostolic Administrator of Ilan 15.02.1934, nominated Abbot of Tokugen/Tokwon, Corea 12.01.1940, died 07.02.1950 Pyongyang (in prison) [16]



Scarella, Stefano

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 11.08.1842 Carpasio (Ventimiglia), priest 12.08.1865, member of M.E.M. 1870, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Carpasia and Apostolic Vicar of Ho-Nan Meridionale 28.08.1882, consecrated 19.03.1884 in Kinkiahang, consecrator Mons. Banci, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Ho-Nan Settentrionale 11.12.1884, died 21.09.1902 Honan [17]



Schang, Cesar Jean


(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 31.07.1835 Cappel (Metz), priest 08.08.1858, member of O.F.M. 29.06.1880, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Vaga and Apostolic Vicar of Scian-Ton Orientale 21.05.1894, consecrated 04.10.1894 in Chefoo, consecrator Mons. Christiaens, died 09.09.1911 Chefoo [18]



Schmücker, Adalbert

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 06.09.1878 Olsberg (Paderborn), member of O.F.M. 15.08.1896, priest 14.08.1905, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Elearchia and Apostolic Vicar of Scian-Ton Settentrionale 19.08.1920, consecrated 29.06.1921 in Tsinanfu, consecrator Mons. Henninghaus, died 08.08.1927 Tsingtao [19]



Schoppelrey, Hermann



(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 24.09.1876 Mönchengladbach (Aachen), member of S.V.D. 1889, priest 1900, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Calydon and Apostolic Vicar of Sinyangchow 13.12.1933, consecrated 06.01.1934 in Mödling, consecrator Cardinal Innitzer [20], died 15.05.1940 Chumatien [21]



Schotte, Gaspar




(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 09.10.1881 Merckem (Brugge), member of C.I.C.M. 1901, priest 14.07.1907, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Petinessus and Apostolic Vicar of Ningsia 14.12.1931, consecrated 10.04.1932 in Ningsia, consecrator Mons. Frederix, died 13. or 14.01.1944 Sanshengkung [22]



Schraven, Franziskus Hubert




(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 13.10.1873 Lottum (Roermond), member of C.M. 30.09.1894, priest 27. or 28.05.1899, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Amyclea and Apostolic Vicar of Ce-Li Meridio-Occidentale 16.12.1920, consecrated 10.04.1921 in Chengting, consecrator Mons. Geurts, died 09.10.1937 Chengting (assassinated) [23]



Schu, Theodor



(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 03.04.1892 Tholey (Trier)/Germany, member of S.V.D. 1913, priest 23.09.1916, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Trapezopolis and Apostolic Vicar of Yenchow 19.11.1936, consecrated 30.04.1937 in Yenchow, consecrator Mons. Henninghaus, nominated Bishop of Yenchow 11.04.1946, died 24.08.1965 St. Wendel/Germany [24]



Schütte, Johannes

(Foto: Steyler Missionare)

Born 23.04.1913 Essen (Münster)/Germany, member of S.V.D. 1934, priest 24.08.1939, nominated Apostolic Pro-Prefect of Sinsiang 1950, expelled 1952, nominated General Superior of S.V.D. 1958, emeritus 1967, died (car accident) 18.11.1971 Roma [25]



Scopper, Conrad


Born (unknown date), member of O.P., priest, nominated Archbishop of Khanbaliq 1408, consecrated, emeritus?, died (unknown date) [26]



Seguin, François Lazare



(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 16.02.1868 Menessaire (Dijon), member of M.E.P. 10.09.1888, priest 03.07.1892, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Pinara and Coadjutor of Kouytcheou 23.02.1907, consecrated 06.10.1907 in Kweiyang, consecrator Mons. François Guichard, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Kouytcheou 21.10.1913, died 11.09.1942 Lou-tchong-Kouan [27]



Semprini, Eusebio Maria




(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 18.12.1823 Dongo (Como), member of O.F.M. 1846, priest, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Tiberiopolis and Coadjutor of Hunan 28.01.1876, consecrated 28.05.1876, consecrator Mons. Navarro, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Hunan 18.09.1877, emeritus 08.01.1892, died 08.01.1895 Kingchow [28]



Serrano Frías, Francisco


(Foto: Blog En tiempo real)


Born 04.12.1695 Huéneja (Granada), member of O.P. 23.04.1714, priest, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Tipasa and Coadjutor of Fokien 22.09.1745, but since June 1745 he was in prison, tortured day by day, until he died, succeded as Apostolic Vicar of Fokien 26.05.1747, died (without consecration) 28.10.1748 Prison of Hu, Foochow (assassinated), Beatification 13.04.1893, Canonisation 01.10.2000 [29]



Seyfriedsdorf, Ulrich von

Born (unknown date), member of O.F.M., priest, nominated Bishop for China 23.07.1307, consecrated, consecrator Cardinal Giovanni Minio da Morrovalle [30], died (unknown date) in India [31]



Shan Kuo-hsi, Paul



(Foto: sent by Cardinal to author)


Born 03.12.1923 Puyang (Taming)/Taiwan, priest 18.03.1955, member of S.J. 02.02.1963, nominated Bishop of Hwalien 15.11.1979, consecrated 14.02.1980 in Hwalien, consecrator Mons. Kia, nominated Bishop of Kaoshiung 04.03.1991, created cardinal priest of San Crisogono 21.02.1998, emeritus 05.01.2006, died 22.08.2012 Taipeh [32]



Shao Zhumin, Peter



(Foto: UCANews)


Born 10.09.1963, priest 10.08.1989, Coadjutor of Wenzhou, consecrated 10.11.2011, consecrator Huang Shoucheng, Bishop of Wenzhou 07.09.2016 [33]



Sheehan, Edward

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 22.05.1888 Grand Ridge (Peoria)/USA, member of C.M. 1908, priest 07.06.1916, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Calydon and Apostolic Vicar of Yukiang 29.01.1929, consecrated 14.07.1929 in Yaochow, consecrator Mons. Clerc-Renaud, died 06.09.1933 Nanchang [34]



Shen Bin, Joseph


(Foto: with the courtesy of

Mr. Holger Röhren/Paderborn)

Born 23.02.1970 Qi Dong, priest 01.11.1996, Bishop of Haimen 17.04.2010, consecrated 21.04.2010 in Nantong City with papal mandate, consecrator John Fang Xin Yao, installed by CPA as Bishop of Shanghai without approval of the Holy See 04.04.2023, officially named Bishop of Shanghai by the Holy See 15.07.2023 [35]



Shen Chu-ming

Born (unknown date), priest, nominated Bishop of Soochow, consecrated 15.11.1959 in Nanjing, consecrator Mons. Ignatius Pi Shu-shi, died 1966-76 [36]



Shen Guo’an, Joseph




Born 1961, priest 1988, 2007 Administrator of Wuhan, elected Bishop of Wuhan 2008 without papal mandate, consecration was scheduled for 09.06.2011, but has been postponed 08.06.2011 and then cancelled, administrator of Wuhan, 13.12.2012 dismissed from CPA [37]



Shi Chunjie, Paul


Born 00.01.1920, priest 23.06.1947, Aux.-Bishop of Baoding, consecrated 29.03.1987, consecrator Stephen Li Xinzheng, died 03.11.1991 (in prison) [38]



Shi Enxiang, Cosmas



Born February 1921, priest 14.08.1947, 1957-80 in prison and labor camps, Aux.-Bishop of Yixian, consecrated 24.06.1982 [39], consecrator Zhou Shanfu, 1989-93 in prison, 1995 Bishop of Yixian, disappeared since 13.04.2001, died January 2015 in prison [40]



Shi Guangdong

Born (unknown date), priest, Bishop in the diocese of Xingtai, consecrated 2008 [41]



Shi Hongchen (Shi Hongzhen), Joseph

(Foto: sent by Bishop to author)


Born 27.02.1928 Wu Qing, Tianjin, Cousin of Melchior Shi Hongzhen, member of C.M. 1949, priest 11.08.1957, 1971-1979 in prison, Aux.-Bishop of Tianjin, consecrated 11.08.1982, consecrator Joseph Li Side, Bishop of Tianjin 26.05.1992 [41a]; consecrated again “sub conditione” 27.05.1992, died 03.03.2005 Tianjin [42]



Shi Hongzhen, Melchior


Born 07.01.1929, Cousin of Joseph Shi Hongchen, priest 04.07.1954, 1958-1985 in labor camp; Coadjutor of Tianjin, consecrated 15.06.1982, consecrator Paul Liu Shuhe in Tianjin, Bishop of Tianjin 08.06.2019, under house arrest in the region's mountains27.08.2024 officially recognized for civil purposes as the Bishop of Tianjin [43]



Shi Huayu

Born (unknown date), priest, nominated Apostolic Admininistrator of Jehol 1953, emeritus 1958 [44]



Shi Jingxian, Nicholas


(Foto: sent by Bishop to author)


Born 03.02.1921 She-Liou-Lou, Henan, member of O.A.R. 28.12.1939, priest 29.06.1948, 1958-1980 in prison, Bishop of Shangqiu, consecrated 08.05.1991, consecrator Anthony Li Duan, openly installed Bishop of Shangqiu 13.05.1999, died 16.09.2009 [45]


Shi Lin-ge, see Shi Lunguo


Shi Lunguo (Shi Linguo, Shi Lin-ge), Nicholas 


Born (unknown date), priest, Bishop of Yanzhou, consecrated 00.05.1960 in Yangzhou, consecrator Dong Wen-long, died 1966-76 [46]



Shi Ming-liang


Born (unknown date), priest, Bishop of Chongqing, consecrated 31.03.1963 in Chongquing, consecrator Paul Ten Gan-lin, died 1978 [47]



Shi Shoujing

Born (unknown date), priest 1986, Bishop of Chumatien, consecrated 1991 [48]



Shi Shuang-xi, Joseph

Born 1967, priest 1994, Aux.-Bishop of Yongnian 2004, consecrated 2004, emeritus 2004 [49]



Shu Qi-shui (Chou Ki wei)

Born (unknown date), priest, Bishop of Ningpo 30.06.1958, consecrated 26.04.1960 in Shanghai, consecrator Mons. Ignatius Pi Shu-shi, died 1983 [50]



Siao, John

Born (unknown date), priest, nominated Apostolic Pro-Prefect of Puchi 1947, emeritus 1949 [51]


Siao Liren, see Xiao Liren



Simon, Jean-Baptiste




(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 20.12.1846 Isse (Nantes)/France, member of S.J. 1868, priest 1882, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Circesium and Apostolic Vicar of Kiang-nan 22.01.1899, consecrated 25.06.1899 in Shanghai, consecrator Mons. Bulté, died 18.08.1899 Shanghai [52]



Smorenburg, Antoon-Everhard


Born 14.01.1827 Soestdijk (Netherlands), priest 17.08.1851, member C.M. 24.12.1852, member of C.I.C.M. 1867, nominated Apost. Pro-Vicar of Mongolia 05.04.1869, resigned 08.12.1870, died 01.01.1904 Wijk-bij-Duurstede (Netherlands) [52a]



Soggiu, Giovanni




(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 01.04.1883 Norbello (Oristano), member of O.F.M.Conv. 1908, priest 28.07.1912, nominated Apostolic Prefect of Hinganfu 01.08.1928, died (assassinated) 12.11.1930 Hinganfu [53]



Song Changfeng, see Zhong Changfeng


Song Wei-li, Paul


Born 13.05.1913 or 08.05.1917 ?/Ankow, member of C.M. 1945, priest 1946, Aux.-Bishop of Cangzhou, consecrated 17.02.1982, consecrator Fan Xueyan [54], Bishop of Cangzhou 19.09.1987(?), Bishop (?) of Langfang 1993, died 20.07.1996 Xigao [55]


Souen Dezhen, see Sun Dezhen


Sousa (Souza), Policarpo de


Born 26.01.1697 Coimbra, member of S.J. 31.01.1712, priest, nominated Bishop of Peking 19.12.1740, consecrated 03.11.1743 in Macau, consecrator Mons. de Santa Rosa, died 26.05.1757 Peking [56]



Sousa (Souza) Saraiva, Joaquim de


Born 23.10.1774 Leira, member of C.M. 1780, priest 22.12.1787, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Tipasitan and Coadjutor of Peking 20.12.1804, consecrated 04.10.1805 in Macau, consecrator Mons. Santo Galdino, nominated Bishop of Peking 06.07.1808, never take possession of the see, died 06.01.1818 Macau [57]



Spada, Giovanni


Born 31.12.1867 Marseille, member of P.I.M.E., priest 1892, 1924-1926 Apost. Pro-Vicar of Hongkong, died 25.11.1950 Hongkong [58]



Spelta, Luigi Celestino




(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 09.04.1818 Montebello della Battaglia, member of O.F.M. 1836, priest 1845, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Thespiae and Coadjutor of Nanking 13.09.1848, consecrated 11.09.1849 in Tsang-ke-fu, consecrator Mons. Maresca, nominated Apostolic Administrator of Nanking 2.11.1855, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Hu-Pè 08.04.1856, nominated Apostolic Visitator for China 24.01.1860, died 12.09.1862 Wuchang [59]



Spinola, Francisco


Born 05.04.1654 Genova, member of S.J. 01.06.1673, priest, nominated Bishop of Nanking 1691 ?, never consecrated, probably died on the day of his nomination, died 1691 or 28.06.1694 [60]



Spruit, Anton Theodor Fortunato



(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 10.07.1880 Oudewater (Haarlem), member of O.F.M. 1899, priest 25.03.1906, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Vaga and Apostolic Vicar of Luan 22.12.1927, consecrated 25.04.1928 in Luan, consecrator Mons. Timmer, died 12.07.1943 Taiyüanfu [61]



Stanchi, Giacinto Gaudencio



(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 21.01.1886 Rivarone (Alessandria), member of O.F.M. 1901, priest 1911, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Pharbaethus and Apostolic Vicar of Changsha 16.03.1933, consecrated 01.10.1933 in Changsha, consecrator Mons. Espelage, died 07.02.1939 Changsha [62]



Steenemann, Johannes Baptist


Born 05.02.1853 Brielle (Netherlands), priest 10.06.1876, member of C.I.C.M. 04.03.1878, nominated Superior of I-li September 1893, died 1918 Kuldja [63]



Stern, Cesaire



(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 26.11.1877 Willgottheim (Strasbourg)/France, member of O.F.M. 1898, priest 21.08.1904, nominated Apostolic Prefect of Weihaiwei 02.06.1939, emeritus 28.03.1949, died 05.11.1957 Hohatzenheim [64]



Su Changshan, John Baptist

(Foto: Archive Kierein)

Born 1925 or 1926 or 1929 Donglu, priest 1953, Aux.-Bishop or Coadjutor of Baoding, consecrated 06.01.2000 in Peking, consecrator Joseph Liu Yuanren, died 04.12.2006 [65]



Su Pai-lu (Su Xida), Paul

Born 1898, priest, nominated Apostolic Administrator of Yungkia 15.06.1951, imprissoned 1955, died 1958 [66]


Su Xida, see Su Pai-lu


Su Yao-wen, Martin

(Foto: Brender)

Born 09.11.1959 Kaohsiung, priest 08.06.1989, nominated Bishop of Taichung 25.06.2007, consecrated 25.09.2007 in Taichung, consecrator Mons. Wang Yu-jung [67]



Su Yongda, Paul


Born  06.07.1958 Zhanjiang, Guangdong province, priest 19.03. or 19.05.1991, Administrator of Beihai 2003, Bishop of Beihai [68a], consecrated 09.11.2004 in Zhanjiang, consecrator John Fang Xing Yao [68b]



Su Zhimin, James

(Foto: UCANews)


Born 01.07. or 10.07.1932, priest 04.04. or 12.04. or 14.04.1981, Aux.-Bishop of Baoding 1988, Coadjutor of Baoding, consecrated 02.05.1993, consecrator Peter Liu Guandong, Bishop of Baoding 21.05.1995 or 18.06.1995, he was several times imprisoned, put under house arrest or put through labor camps for more than 30 years, disappeared since 8.10.1997, last seen in 2003 [69]



Suárez, Elías

Born 01.11.1852 Mieres (Oviedo), member of O.E.S.A. 1870, priest, nominated  Pro-Vicar of Hu-Nan Settentrionale 03.04.1881, emeritus 25.07.1884, died 13.11.1885 Paoay [70]



Sun (Souen) Dezhen, Melchior


(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 19.11.1869 Peking, member of C.M. 1899, priest 24.01.1897, nominated Apostolic Prefect of Lihsien 15.04.1924, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Esbus 24.06.1926, consecrated 28.10.1926 in Rome, consecrator Pope Pius XI. [71], nominated Apostolic Vicar of Anguwo 15.07.1929, emeritus 07.02.1936, died 23.08.1951 Peking [72]



Sun Jigen, Joseph



Born 02.08.1967, priest 1995, appointed bishop for Handan by the Holy See 2007, Coadjutor of Handan 2010, consecrated secretly, with papal mandate, on 21.06.2011, consecrator Stephen Yang Xiangtai, Bishop of Handan 2017, officially installed as Bishop of Handan 16.11.2017 [73]


Sun Wenjun, Anthony

(Foto: Chinacatholic)

Born 01.11.1970 Weifang, priest 1995, appointed bishop of Weifang by the Holy See 20.04.2023, published 29.01.2024, consecrated on 29.01.2024 in Qingzhou, consecrator John Fang Xing Yao [73a]


Sun Yuanmo, Joseph



(Foto: sent by Bishop to Dr. Kierein)


Born 07.12.1920, priest 1948 or 1949, Aux.-Bishop of Hongdong 1982, consecrated 12.02.1982 in Hongdong or Fengzhangxiang, consecrator Francis Han Tingbi, consecrated again “sub conditione” 22.02.1991 in Hongdong, consecrator Han Tingbi, installed openly Coadjutor of Hongdong 28.02.1991, Bishop of Hongdong 21.12.1991 or 00.06.1991, died 23.02.2006 [74]



Sun Zhi-bin (Sun Zhi Pin), Joseph



(Foto: sent by Bishop to Dr. Kierein)


Born 04.04.1911 Linqu county, priest 17.12.1939, Bishop of Qingzhou, consecrated 24.04.1988 in Tsinan, consecrator Joseph Zhong Huai-de, died 23.10.2008 [75]



Szarvas, Nicolaus

Born 04.11.1890 Szcutbenedek (Kalocsa)/Hungary, member of S.J. 05.08.1906, priest 25.07.1920, nominated Apostolic Prefect of Taming 31.01.1936, emeritus 08.07.1947, died 20.08.1965 Budapest [76]


[1] See Perraud

[2] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.7:418; according to Bibl.Miss he was nominated 01778 and died 07.02.1785

[3] See Perraud, Eubel 9:149, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.13:581; according to Bibl.Miss.he became member of M.E.P. in 1898

[4] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.7:400

[5]See Perraud, Eubel 7:284, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:68, Planchet 1917:233; according to Bibl.Miss. he was born 13.12.1775; according to Perraud he was nominated Coadjutor 06.08.1818

[6] See Perraud

[7] See Perraud, Eubel 7:190, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:52; according to Eubel he was consecrated 15.02.1817 in Peking; according to Bibl.Miss. he died in Kiukitsun

[8] See Perraud, Eubel 8:602; according to Eubel he was nominated Apost. Vicar 15.01.1895 and died 21.06.1896

[9] See Perraud, www.catholic-hierarchy.org

[10] See Perraud, www.bautz.de/bbkl/s/sanz_p_m.shtml;

[11] See Perraud

[12] See Perraud, Eubel  8:399 , Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:634; according to Eubel he was born 24.04.1840; Perraud indicates, that he possibly was nominated to Ce-Li Meridio Occidenatle on 16.01.1885, that also 16.04.1885 could be the date for the nomination to Chengting and that also May 1890 could be the correct date for nomination to Ce-Li Settentrionale

[13] Maximilien de Furstenberg (1904-88), Apost. Nuncio to Japan 1952-59, Cardinal 1967

[14] See Perraud, http://www2.fiu.edu/~mirandas/bios-s.htm#Satowaki

[15] Gustave Mutel, M.E.P. (1854-1933), Apost. Vicar of Seoul since 1911

[16] See Perraud,  http://www.inkamana.org/ohio/bishops.htm#Sauer (29.7.2010)

[17] See Perraud, Eubel 8:184, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:508; Website atma-o-jibon; Ticozzi 2014:30; according to Eubel he was nominated Apost. Vicar of Ho-Nan Meridionale 01.09.1882; according to Bibl.Miss. he died in Weihweih; Perraud indicates, that he possibly died 20.09.1902

[18] See Perraud, Eubel 8:578; according to Eubel he was nominated Apost. Vicar 22.05.1894

[19] See Perraud, Eubel 9:165, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (1):259; according to Eubel he was nominated Apost. Vicar 02.08.1920

[20] Theodor Innitzer (1875-1955), Archbishop of Vienna since 1932, Cardinal 1933

[21] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (1):385

[22] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):466

[23] See Perraud, Eubel 9:52, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):131

[24] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (1):386

[25] See Perraud,  http://www.orden-online.de/wissen/s/schuette-johannes/; Bettschneider 2008:29-33

[26] See Perraud, Gams 1873:126

[27] See Perraud, Eubel 9:301, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.13:698; according to Eubel he died 13.09.1942

[28] See Perraud, Eubel 8:553 , Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:353, Annuario Pontificio; according to Eubel he was born 25.12.1823 and according to Annuario Pontificio 26.12.1823; according to Eubel he was nominated Coadjutor 25.01.1876 and according to Annuario Pontificio 20.01.1876; according to Eubel he died 08.01.1893

[30] Giovanni Minio da Morrovalle, (1250-1312), Cardinal-Bishop of Porto since 1302

[31] See Perraud,  http://users.bart.nl/~roestb/franciscan/franauta.htm, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.4:59, Robson 2006:111

[32] See http://www2.fiu.edu/~mirandas/bios-s.htm#Shan

[33] See UCANews 23.12.2010, information from Father Politi, Asia News 07.09.2016, http://www.lastampa.it/ (21.09.2016), Cardinale 2017:193

[34] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):133; according to Bibl.Miss he died 07.09.1933

[35] See UCA News 21.04.2010, Asianews 04.04.2023, Vatican Bulletin 15.07.2023,

[36] See PEM 150

[37] See UCANews 01.06.2011. 06.06.2011, 08.06.2011, UCANews 21.12.2012, http://www.ucanews.com/diocesan-directory/html/ordinary-of-china-wuhan-diocese.php, http://www.ucanews.com/news/two-priests-dismissed-in-wuhan/66947, AsiaNews 05.09.2021,

[38] See PEM 150; Lam 2005/I, Politi 2010:33; Human Rights Watch 1993:22, Tripod 1992:71; according to some sources, also Mathias Lu Zhengshen could be the consecrator (probably a confusion based on their surnames Li or Lu, Xinzheng or Zhengshen and both are bishops at Tianshui)
[39] According to several chinese sources he should be the consecrator of Song Weili on Febr. 2nd 1982. Either this information or one of the consecration dates of Song or Shi are incorrect

[40] See Politi 2010:25, Lam 2000/I:203, Lam 2005/I,  Fides 21.2.2001, UCANews 26.08.96, 02.02.2015, 16.02.2015; http://islamabad.usembassy.gov/wwwh01042804.html, Asia News 13.02.2010, 09.02.2015; catholicregister.org (02.02.2015) according to several other sources he was born 17.04.1922 or 1920 or 1927

[41] See Guide to the Catholic Church in China 2008:79, UCANews Directory

[41a] the Holy See recognize him as Aux.-Bishop

[42] See letter of the bishop to authors, PEM 151, 178, Lam 2005/I, L’ Osservatore Romano 6.5.2005, Politi 2010:27, Cardinale 2017:34

[43] See letter of the bishop to authors, Politi 2010:27, Cardinale 2017:188, UCANEWS 10.06.2019, Vatican Bulletin 27.8.2024

[44] See Perraud, Guide to the Catholic Church in China 2008:107

[45] See letters of the Bishops to authors; PEM 153, 155, 219; UCANews 1.6.1999, Politi 2010:40; letter of Bishop Li Duan to authors

[46] See PEM 150, 181, www.tboyle.net/Catholicism/CCP_The_Pi-bishops/Tung_Wen-lung_(Dong_Wen-lo.html; http://www.ucanews.com/diocesan-directory/html/ordinary-of-china-yanzhou-diocese.php

[47] See PEM 150

[48] See PEM 152, Guide to the Catholicd Church in China 2008:424

[49] See Cardinale 2017:189; http://www.gcatholic.com/hierarchy/data/bishops-49.htm#46704, http://oblatvs.blogspot.com/2011/04/os-bispos-da-china-comunista.html; http://fraternidadesaogilberto.blogspot.de/2011/05/os-bispos-da-china-comunista.html

[50] See PEM 150

[51] See Perraud, http://www.apostolische-nachfolge.de/asien1.htm, Guide to the Catholic Church in China 2008:406; according to the Guide he was Pro-Prefect since 1941

[52] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.13:79, Eubel 8:205; according to Eubel he was nominated Apost. Vicar 07.01.1899; according to Eubel and Bibl.Miss he died in Ou-hou; Bibl.Miss. indicates, that he died 10.08. or 18.8.1899

[52a], See Planchet 1917-80, Verhelst/Daniels 2003:49,  Lievens 2003:306 ff, Taveirne 2004:217 ff.

[53] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):60; according to Bibl.Miss he was assassinated in Peimiatze

[54] According to several sources Bishop Shi Enxiang should be the consecrator. As Bishop Shi Enxian was consecrated on 24.06.1982, he either could not be the consecrator or one of the consecration dates (Shi or Song) are incorrect

[55] See PEM 146, 151, Lam 2005/I, UCANews 30.04.1993, 9.5.1996 and 26.08.96, Politi 2010:26, Human Right Watch 1993:28; according to Human Rights Watch and UCANews 1993 he was consecrated Bishop in 1981

[56] See Perraud

[57] See Perraud, Eubel 7:371, http://www.vincenziani.com/nuovaconferenza.htm, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:32, Gams 1873:126; according to Eubel born in Camalhotes near Leira; according to Eubel he was nominated Coadjutor on 20.08. 1804, according to to Gams in October 1805; according to Eubel he was consecrated 13.10.1805, according to Bibl. Miss. 25.10.1805

[58] See www.atma-o-jbon.org/archivio_pime/p_spada1.htm

[59] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:334, Eubel 8:549. According to Bibl.Miss his place

 of birth is called Montebello di Voghera; according to Eubel he was nominated Tit.-Bishop 19.09.1848 and was

  nominated Apostolic Vicar of Hu-Pè 02.04.1856

[60] See Santos Hernandez 1999:137 ff., Krahl 1964:105; according to Krahl he died on the day of his nomination

[61] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (1):263; according to Bibl.Miss he was born in Haastrecht

[62] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (1):263

[63] See Perraud, Lo Hui-min 1976:720, Planchet 1917:135

[64] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.13:582

[65] See Catholic News Service 6.12.06, PEM 157, Lam 2005/I, Politi 2010:49

[66] See Perraud, UCA News 1.11.2011; Annuario Pontificio 1962

[67] See PEM 190, Politi 2010:56

[68a] for CPA Bishop of Zhanjiang

[68b] See PEM 177; UCANews 12.11.04, www.AsiaNews.it 15.11.04, Politi 2010:53, Cardinale 2017:191, UCANews Directory, UCANews

[69] See PEM 139, 146, 154, UCANews 17.8.2004, 20.11.2003, 4.12.2003, 09.07.2020, CNSnews.com 20.11. 2003, Lam 2005/I, Politi 2010:43, Asia News 13.02.2010

[70] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:637, Planchet 1917:184, Le hiérarchie catholique en Chine, en Corée et au Japon, 1908:28, 1914:89, Le Gerarchie catholica e la Famiglia Pontificia per l’Anno 1882:390 according to Perraud he became Pro-Vicar on 19.09.1879

[71] Pius XI., Achille Ratti (1857-1939), since 1922 Pope

[72] See Perraud, Annuario Pontificio 1934:510, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):134, Politi 2010:4

[73] See UCA News 20.06.2011, 27.6.2011, 11.07.2011; KNA 28 / 13. July 2011, AsiaNews 21.11.2016, AsiaNews 6.11.2017, 16.11.2017, 14.10.2021

[73a] See See Vatican Bulletin 29.1.24, Fides 29.1.2024, Asianews 29.1.2024, Website Chinacatholic.cn

[74] See letter of the Bishop to authors, UCANews 3.3.2006, PEM 131, 132 134, 150, 157, Lam 2000/I:142, Lam 2005/I, Politi 2010:26

[75] See PEM 150, 151, UCANews 28.10.2008

[76] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (1):584, http://ricci.rt.usfca.edu/biography/view.aspx?biographyID=1344; according to Bibl. Miss. he was ordained to priesthood in 1919;  according to ricci he died in Pannonhalma

Bishops M - Z > S / M / N - O / P / Q - R / T / V / W / X / Y / Z