

Andreas Brender, Manfred Kierein-Kuenring, Catholic Hierarchy in China since 1307. Cluj-Napoca 2012. 



After 20 years of research and correspondence with chinese bishops and retired missionary bishops we could give a review on the bishops and episcopal consecrations in China since 1307.  



Together with Dr. Manfred Kierein I published my research. The biographical dictionary contains short biographies of the bishops in China starting with John of Montecorvino in 1307 up to the cardinalate of Bishop Tong in February 2012.


(Fotos: Brender/Worms)

The first copies of the book received Cardinal Raffaele Farina, Librarian Emeritus of the Vatican Library and Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez Maradiaga.



In 2021 I had the great pleasure to meet Cardinal Tagle, who received also a copy of my book.


„Catholic Hierarchy in China since 1307” was published at Editura Napoca Star, Cluj-Napoca (Romania).


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